
Results of the 2024 European elections

Political PartyEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared to 2019
S - SocialdemokraternaS&D986 73124.80%5=
M - ModeraternaEPP698 95417.6%4=
MP - Miljöpartiet de grönaGreens/EFA548 96413.8%3↑ 1
SD - SverigedemokraternaECR524 32113.2%3=
V - VänsterpartietGUE/NGL434 86611%2↑ 1
C - CenterpartietRenew Europe289 0427.3%2=
KD - KristdemokraternaEPP227 8015.7%1↓ 1
L - LiberalernaRenew Europe173 5264.4%1=


List of Swedish MEPs

MEPGenderNational partyPolitical group in the European Parliament
Heléne FritzonfS - SocialdemokraternaS&D
Johan DanielssonmS - SocialdemokraternaS&D
Evin IncirfS - SocialdemokraternaS&D
Adnan DibranimS - SocialdemokraternaS&D
Sofie ErikssonfS - SocialdemokraternaS&D
Tomas TobémM - ModeraternaEPP
Jessica PolfjärdfM - ModeraternaEPP
Jörgen WarbornmM - ModeraternaEPP
Arba KokalarifM - ModeraternaEPP
Alice Bah KuhnkefMP - Miljöpartiet de grönaGreens/EFA
Pär HolmgrenmMP - Miljöpartiet de grönaGreens/EFA
Isabella LövinfMP - Miljöpartiet de grönaGreens/EFA
Charlie WeimersmSD - SverigedemokraternaECR
Beatrice TimgrenfSD - SverigedemokraternaECR
Dick ErixonmSD - SverigedemokraternaECR
Jonas SjöstedtmV - VänsterpartietGUE/NGL
Hanna GedinfV - VänsterpartietGUE/NGL
Emma WiesnerfC - CenterpartietRenew Europe
Abir Al-SahlanimC - CenterpartietRenew Europe
Alice Teodorescu MåwefKD - KristdemokraternaEPP
Karin KarlsbrofL - LiberalernaRenew Europe


Results of the 2019 European elections

Political partiesEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared with 2014
Swedish Social Democratic PartyS&D974589 23.48%5
Moderate PartyEPP69877016.83%4
Sweden DemocratsECR63687715.34 %3
Green PartyGreens/EFA47825811.52 %2
Centre PartyRenew Europe44764110.78 %2
Christian DemocratsEPP3578568.62 %2
Left PartyGUE/NGL2823006.80 %1
The LiberalsRenew Europe1714194.13 %1


Electoral Procedures

> Election Dates : 9 June 2024
> Number of MEPs: 21
> At what age can one vote? 18 years
> At what age can one be elected? 18 Years
> Who can vote? Swedish citizens having voting rights for national elections and European citizens living in Sweden.


Electoral rules

> Voting method : Proportional Representation (preferential voting)
> Means for attributing seats : Sainte Lagüe Method
> Can candidates be chosen from a list? Yes


Institutions and political situation

Constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy
– Head of State : Charles Gustave XVI
– Prime Minister : Ulf Kristersson



Currency : Swedish crown (exchange rate in September 2023 : 1€ = 11.12 SEK)
> GDP : €562 526 million (2022)
> GDP per capita (PPS) : €46 250  (2012)
> GDP Growth : -0.8% (2017)
> Unemployment: 7.7% (September 2023)
> Inflation : 6.5 % (September 2023)
> Public Debt: 33% of the GDP (December 2022)


Geography and population

– Surface Area : 450 295 km² (source : The CIA World Factbook)
– 10.5 million inhabitants (Eurostat, 1st January 2018)


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