
Results of the 2024 European elections

Political PartyEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared to 2019
SF - Socialistisk Folkeparti (F)Greens/EFA426 36717.4%3↑ 1
Socialdemokratiet (A)S&D381 49415.6%3=
Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti (V)Renew359 55614.7%2↓ 1
Det Konservative Folkeparti (C)PPE216 2498.8%1=
Danmarksdemokraterne – Inger Støjberg (Æ)Autres180 6667.4%1Newcomer
Radikale Venstre (B)Renew173 1597.1%1↓ 1
Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne (Ø)GUE/NGL172 0097%1=
Liberal Alliance (I)EPP170 1797%1Newcomer
Dansk Folkeparti (O)ID155 8756.4%1=
Moderaterne (M)Renew145 3635.9%1Newcomer


List of Danish MEPs

MEPGenderNational partyPolitical group in the European Parliament
Christel SchaldémosefSocialdemokratietS&D
Niels FuglsangmSocialdemokratietS&D
Marianne VindfSocialdemokratietS&D
Sigrid FriisfRadikale VenstreRenew Europe
Niels Flemming HansenmDet Konservative FolkepartiEPP
Kira Marie Peter-HansenfSocialistisk FolkepartiGreens/EFA
Rasmus NordqvistmSocialistisk FolkepartiGreens/EFA
Villy SøvndalmSocialistisk FolkepartiGreens/EFA
Henrik DahlmLiberal AllianceEPP
Stine BossefModeraterneRenew Europe
Anders VistisenmDansk FolkepartiPFE
Morten LøkkegaardmVenstre, Danmarks Liberale PartiRenew Europe
Asger ChristensenmVenstre, Danmarks Liberale PartiRenew Europe
Kristoffer StormmDanmarksdemokraterne - Inger StøjbergN/A
Per ClausenmEnhedslisten - De Rød-GrønneGUE/NGL


Results of the 2019 European elections

Political partyEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared with 2014
Liberal Party (V)Renew Europe23.50 %3
Social Democrats (SD)S&D21.50 %3
People’s Socialist Party - SFGreens/EFA13.20 %2
Social-liberal PartyRenew Europe10.10 %2
Danish People’s Party (DF)ECR10.70 %1
Conservative People’s Party EPP6.20 %1
Unity List – Red-Green AllianceGUE/NGL5.50 %1New


Electoral Procedures

> Election Dates : 9 June 2024
> Number of MEPs : 15
> At what age can one vote? 18 years
> At what age can one be elected? 18 years
> Who can vote? European citizens living in Denmark


Electoral rules

> Voting method : Preferential vote
> Means for attributing seats : D’Hondt Method
> Can candidates be chosen from a list? Yes


Institutions and political situation

Constitutional monarchy, unicameral democratic parliament.

– Head of State: King Frederik X

– Prime Minister: Mette Frederiksen



Currency : Danish Crown (DKK) (exchange rate in September 2023: 1€ = 7.4673 DKK)
> GDP : €380 617 million (2022)
> GDP per capita (PPS) : €51 660 (1011)
> GDP Growth : 0.3% (June 2023)
> Unemployment: 2.5% (September 2023)
> Inflation : 0.9% (September 2023)
> Public Debt : 30.1% of GDP (December 2022)


Geography and population

Surface Area: 43,094 km²

Population: 5,9 million inhabitants (2023)


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