
Results of the 2024 European elections

Political PartyEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared to 2019
Rassemblement national (RN)ID7 765 94431.37%30↑ 8
Renaissance (RE)Renew Europe3 614 62814.6%13↓ 8
Parti socialiste (PS) / Place Publique (PP)S&D3 423 98913.83%13↑ 7
La France insoumise (LFI)GUE/NGL2 448 7119.89%9↑ 3
Les Républicains (LR)EPP1 794 1347.25%6↓ 1
Les Écologistes – Europe Écologie Les Verts (EELV)Greens/EFA1 361 8885.5%5↓ 7
Reconquête (R!)ECR1 353 1275.47%5Newcomer


List of French MEPs

MEPGenderNational partyPolitical group in the European Parliament
Jordan BardellamRassemblement National (RN)PFE
Fabrice LeggerimRNPFE
Mathilde AndrouëtfRNPFE
Jean-Paul GarraudmRNPFE
Mélanie DisdierfRNPFE
Matthieu ValetmRNPFE
Anne-Sophie FrigoutfRNPFE
Thierry MarianimRNPFE
Pascale PierafRNPFE
Philippe OliviermRNPFE
Marie-Luce Brasier-ClainfRNPFE
Alexandre VarautmRNPFE
Catherine GrisetfRNPFE
Gilles PennellemRNPFE
Virgine JoronfRNPFE
Julien SanchezmRNPFE
Julie RechagneuxfRNPFE
Aleksandar NikolicmRNPFE
Valérie DelogefRNPFE
Rody TolassymRNPFE
Marie DauchyfRNPFE
Pierre-Romain ThionnetmRNPFE
André RougémRNPFE
Pierre PimpiemRNPFE
Séverine WerbrouckfRNPFE
Julien LeonardellimRNPFE
Angéline FuretfRNPFE
Christophe BaymRNPFE
France JametfRNPFE
Malika SorelfIndependentPFE
Valérie HayerfRenaissanceRenew Europe
Bernard GuettamIndependentRenew Europe
Marie-Pierre VedrennefModemRenew Europe
Pascal CanfinmRenaissanceRenew Europe
Nathalie LoiseaufHorizonsRenew Europe
Sandro GozimModemRenew Europe
Fabienne KellerfRenaissanceRenew Europe
Grégory AllionemRenaissanceRenew Europe
Laurence FarrengfModemRenew Europe
Gilles BoyermHorizonsRenew Europe
Valérie DevauxfUnion des Démocrates et IndépendantsRenew Europe
Christophe GrudlermModemRenew Europe
Stéphanie Yon-CourtinfRenaissanceRenew Europe
Raphaël GlucksmannmPlace publiqueS&D
Nora MebarekfParti socialiste (PS)S&D
Pierre JouvetmPSS&D
Aurore LalucqfPlace publiqueS&D
Christophe ClergeaumPSS&D
Murielle LaurentfPSS&D
Jean-Marc GermainmPSS&D
Emma RafowiczfPSS&D
Thomas Pellerin-CarlinmPlace publiqueS&D
Chloé RidelfPSS&D
Eric SargiacomomPSS&D
Claire FitafPSS&D
François KalfonmPSS&D
Manon AubryfLa France insoumise (LFI)GUE/NGL
Younous OmarjeemLFIGUE/NGL
Marina MesurefLFIGUE/NGL
Anthony SmithmLFIGUE/NGL
Leïla ChaibifLFIGUE/NGL
Arash SaeidimLFIGUE/NGL
Rima HassanfLFIGUE/NGL
Damien CarememLFIGUE/NGL
Emma FourreaufLFIGUE/NGL
François-Xavier BellamymLes Républicains (LR)EPP
Céline ImartfLREPP
Christophe GomartmLREPP
Isabelle Le CallennecfLREPP
Laurent CastillomLREPP
Nadine MoranofLREPP
Marie ToussaintfLes Écologistes (EELV)Greens/EFA
David CormandmEELVGreens/EFA
Mélissa CamarafEELVGreens/EFA
Mounir SatourimEELVGreens/EFA
Majdouline SbaifEELVGreens/EFA
Marion MaréchalfIdentités et libertés (IL)ECR
Guillaume PeltiermILECR
Nicolas BaymILECR
Sarah KnafofR!ESN


Results of the 2019 European elections

Political PartiesEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared with 2014
National Rally Identity and Democracy5 281 73423.31%22
The Republic on the Move (LREM) Renew Europe5 076 464 22.41%21New
Europe Ecology/Greens EELV Greens/EFA3 052 53313.47%12
RepublicansEPP1 920 6018.5%8
France Unbowed GUE/NGL1 428 4106.3%6New
Desire for Ecological and Social EuropeS&D1 402 1296.2%4New


Electoral Procedures

> Election Dates : 9 June 2024
> Number of MEPs: 81
> At what age can one vote? 18 years
> At what age can one be elected? 18 years
> Who can vote? European citizens living in France.


Electoral rules

> Voting method : Closed list
> Means for attributing seats : D’Hondt Method
> Can candidates be chosen from a list? No
> Number of constituencies: 1

Institutions and political situation

Democratic parliamentary republic

– Head of State : Emmanuel Macron

– Prime Minister : Gabriel Attal



Currency : Euro
> GDP : € 2 642 billion (2022)
> GDP per capita (PPS) : € 33 180 (2022)
> GDP Growth : 0.8% (June 2023)
> Unemployment: 7.2% (September 2023)
> Inflation : 4.9% (September 2023)
> Public Debt : 112.8% of GDP (2022)


Geography and population

Surface Area: 547,030 km² (Metropolitan France); 643,427 km² (with overseas regions)

Population: 68.5 million inhabitants (2022)


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