Results of the 2024 European elections
Political Party European affiliation Number of votes Percentage of votes Number of seats Trend compared to 2019
Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU)/ Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern (CSU) EPP 9 431 567 30% 29 =
Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) NI 6 324 008 15,9% 15 ↑ 4
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) S&D 5 548 528 13,9% 14 ↓ 2
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Grüne) Greens/EFA 4 736 913 11,9% 12 ↓ 9
Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht - Venunft und Gerechtigkeit (BSW) NI 2 453 652 6,2% 6 Newcomer
Freien Demokraten (FDP) Renew Europe 2 060 457 5,2% 5 =
Die Linke GUE/NGL 1 091 268 2,7% 3 ↓ 2
Freie Wähler Renew Europe 1 062 132 2,7% 3 ↑ 1
Volt Deutschland (Volt) Greens/EFA 1 023 161 2,6% 3 ↑ 2
Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative (Die PARTEI) NI 775 392 1,9% 2 =
Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz (Tierschutzpartei) GUE/NGL 570 498 1,4% 1 =
Familien-Partei Deutschlands (FAMILIE) EPP 243 975 0,6% 1 =
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ÖDP) Greens/EFA 257 968 0,6% 1 =
Partei des Fortschritts (PdF) NI 227 631 0,6% 1 Newcomer
Lists of German MEPs
Results of the 2019 European elections
Political parties European affiliation Number of votes Percentage of votes Number of seats Trends compared with 2014
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) / Christian Social Union (CSU) EPP 8 437 093 28.90 % 29 ↓
Alliance 90 / The Greens Greens / EFA 7 675 584 20.5 % 21 ↑
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) S&D 5 914 953 15.8 % 16 ↓
Alternative for Germany EFDD 4 103 453 11.0 % 11 ↑
The Left (DL) GUE/NGL 2 056 010 5.5 % 5 ↓
Free Democratic Party (FDP) Renew Europe 2 028 353 5.4 % 5 ↑
The Party Greens/EFA 898 386 2.4% 2 ↑
Free voters Renew Europe 806 590 2.2 % 2 ↑
Animal Welfare Party GUE/NGL 541 984 1.4 % 1 ↑
Ecological Democratic Party (ODP) Greens/EFA 370 006 1.0 % 1 ↑
Family Party ECR 273 755 0.7% 1 =
Volt 248 824 0.7 % 1 New
Pirate Party Greens/EFA 243 363 0.7 % 1 ↓
Electoral Procedures for 2024
> Election Dates : 9 June 2024
> Number of MEPs : 96
> At what age can one vote? 16 years
> At what age can one be elected? 18 years
> Who can vote? Any German Citizen and Citizens living in Germany if they are citizens of another EU Member State and have been living in Germany for at least three months.
Electoral rules
> Voting method : Closed list
> Means for attributing seats : Sainte-Laguë/Shepers Method
> Can candidates be chosen from a list? No
Institutions and political situation
Federal Republic, representative democracy, parliamentary regime
− Head of State : Frank-Walter Steinmeier
− Chancellor : Olaf Scholz
> Currency : Euro
> GDP : 3 869 billions € (2022)
> GDP per capita (PPS) : 47 325 € (2023)
> GDP Growth : -0.1% (June 2023)
> Unemployment: 5.7% (September 2023)
> Inflation : 4.5% (September 2023)
> Public Debt: 66.3 % of the GDP (December 2022)
Geography and population
– Surface Area : 357 022 km² (source : The CIA World Factbook)
– 84.3 million inhabitants (est. 2023)
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